Principal's Message

Dear Lowell Middle School Students and Families:

The amazing students, dedicated staff, and supportive school community make this the best possible environment in which to work and learn. While we face many unknowns, please be assured that the Tri-Creek School Corporation has crafted a quality plan with a focus on student safety and the well-being of our entire school community at the forefront.

Lowell Middle School is composed of just under 500 seventh and eighth grade learners. We provide instruction that engages students through project-based learning, technology that enables creation in a 1:1 computing environment, and a culture that empowers learners through our school wide expectations of Trust, Respect, and Responsibility. Our robust curriculum allows all learners to grow both academically and socially. 

Every day the staff and students of LMS work to implement our INSPIRE mission. The acronym INSPIRE reflects the attributes that we want to instill in our students throughout their time at LMS. 

Innovative Problem Solvers
Next-Level Ready Learners
Successful Communicators
Passionate Advocates
Independent Thinkers
Risk Takers
Empathetic Citizens

We look forward to serving our students and community as we ignite a passion for learning in this ever changing world.

Best regards,

Mrs. Teri Crussen