The End of The Year- 5th Grade Edition

The End of The Year- 5th Grade Edition

We celebrated another year of learning and growing together today! Thank you to the students, staff, families, and friends that all played a role in the year. Celebrate the challenges you have overcome, the ways you have grown, the memories you created, and begin dreaming about the future all over again. 

Students in 5th grade start a transition to journey to the MS when they return from winter break in the spring semester. They learn what courses exist at the MS, and receive special presentations from the fine arts department regardin their choices. From there, our 5th grade students are treated to presentations from the MS students in band and choir, they take a special trip to the MS where they spend the morning meeting teachers, touring the building, learning from additional staff on what life will be like for them next fall. They continue their journey by wrapping up the work they do as elementary students. They say farewell to elementary school during the 5th Grade Art and Music show, participate in their last field day, spend the day bonding at the Sparta Dome, and then taking their final dance in the hallway for Dance Party Friday, and parading around the school to be congratulated by all of our staff and students. 

To our 5th grade BEARS, the world awaits you. If it is sad when it ends, it must have been pretty special when it was happening. 5th Grade is a unique elementary experience where you develop into the next stage of your life, thank you for always making it memorable.