Getting to know Mrs. Patrick

Picture of Mrs. Patrick

By: Ava Tippy

As students at LHS are settling into their schedules, they are also learning more about their new teachers. It’s always important to have a good understanding of who you’re leaders are. A lot of students may not get the opportunity, or time to come in contact with Mrs. Patrick, so here are a few things about her:

What are some things that you wish students knew about you? 

“I wish students knew the principal's office isn’t a scary place. You’re not always in trouble if you’re in my office.”

What are you most proud of?

“I’m most proud of the fact that I wear a lot of hats, (mom, wife, principal, friend, etc.) and wear them well. I’m also proud of the strides I’ve helped make in our school.”

What is your favorite part of your job?

“First and foremost, working with kids. I also enjoy doing the morning announcements! It starts the day out well!”

What do you feel is the most important part of your job?

“Making sure that students graduate with a diploma and a plan for the future.”

What are some words of advice you have for students at LHS?

“The two most important words of advice I have are:

Work hard, and treat people right. Kindness goes a long way when you don’t know what other people are going through around you.”

What is your favorite quote?

Every kid is one caring adult away from a success story. -Josh Shipp

Is there a high school experience that you had when you were younger that still sticks with you?

“My senior year English teacher. I remember the caring environment she created in the classroom. She influenced me to become an English teacher.”

What’s a fun fact about you?

“I own 96 blazers!”

A message to all students from Mrs. Patrick: 

“I want kids to know my door is always open. If you have any ideas about things to do, any questions, and/or suggestions, I would love to hear them.”