Medication Protocol:

In accordance with Indiana Law 511 IAC 7-36-9 and Tri-Creek School Corporation School Board Policy 5330, only those medications necessary to maintain the child in school shall be administered. 

  • Completed medication forms are valid for one school year only and must be renewed annually. 
  • The Tri-Creek Medication Administration Form must be properly completed for over-the-counter, prescription, and emergency medications. 
    • Over-the-counter medications must be brought in the original, sealed container, and labeled with the student’s name.
    • In cases of prescription medication, the Medication Administration Form must also be signed by a physician. Medication must be provided in the original container bearing the current pharmacy label and the child’s name.
  • It is the Tri-Creek School Corporation policy that parents/guardians are responsible for the transportation of medications to/from school. 
    • Students may only transport medications if BOTH of the following apply:
      • Physician documentation has been provided to the school nurse stating the student has a chronic disease or medical condition that may require emergency administration of medication 
      • A Permission to Possess and Administer Medication Form (please contact your school nurse) AND a Medication Administration Form have been completed and submitted to the school nurse

Tri-Creek School Corporation Medication Administration Form